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Friday, April 1, 2011

Introduction from Anthony Lee

My goal in this blog is to provide the reader with information from bible prophesy as it relates to 21st century events. I believe we are in the early stages of the last natural generation before Christ returns to set up His Kingdom on Earth. The Church is involved in a battle with a worldwide empire that is currently under demonic influence. The results of the Antichrist spirit that has infiltrated every government on the face of the earth will soon be bringing even greater oppression than we have now witnessed. This is not a doomsday prophesy for believers. The fear tactics of many evangelical preachers have created a sense of dread for their Parishioners, leading them to fear the end of the world. As believers we should all be rejoicing with excitement rather than fear, because Christ will soon be replacing this evil, corrupt system that we live in with His perfect government.
In these post I will be sharing as The Holy Spirit leads. May God bless you richly as we journey together for the cause of Christ.

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